Previous Projects
Technical AI Safety
Identifying AI agents’ bottlenecks on evaluations at scale via automated analysis.
Investigating the robustness of language models obtained by ‘Pre-training with human preferences’.
How do LLM features develop through pre-training and fine-tuning?
How robust are white-box detectors?
Can we understand the differences between different machine learning models mechanistically?
AI Governance
What is the most realistic mode of governance for autonomous weapons systems?
Landscape analysis of the AI Policy and Governance Working Group (AIPGWG)
How could an ombudsman contribute to effective post-market monitoring of AI?
What is an appropriate level of access to AI user interaction data?
AGI Lab Boards: What should the makeup & functions of the boards that govern AGI labs be?
Landscape analysis of the Collective Intelligence Project (CIP)
Regulators, Evaluators or Watchdog: What should the UK Government’s AI Safety Institute look like?
DNA Synthesis Screening: How do we address the current uneven geographic distributions?
The role of genomic surveillance in scaling up pandemic preparedness in LMICs
What are the primary bottlenecks in the implementation of Far-UVC technology in public health settings, and how can we effectively address them?
Global Health
What are the projected levels of air pollution in LMICs, and how do different sectors contribute to this pollution, allowing for the identification of high-impact regions and effective intervention strategies?
Are there interventions that would cost-effectively prevent childhood pneumonia in LMICs?
What is the effect of global health interventions on equilibrium population levels?